What a strong statement, and how powerful is it when you see it happen before your very eyes. I feel quite privileged to be able to see the effect you as parents have on the students when you are at school. This week's blog entry is dedicated to you, the parents who help out in some way at school. This week you have shared your expertise in various classes, accompanied classes on field trips, worked tirelessly sewing book bags (hundreds of them!) and adding thousands of barcode stickers to reading books. You have formed a Chatsworth Parents Group to support us with the big school activities to come, and you have attended our coffee morning and the year 5 assembly. You have watched your children during after-school activities, and you have shared a story or two with me along the way. The smiles and the excitement of the children when they see you doing all of these things says it all. What great partnerships we are creating, thank you.
Mario Gauci
Head of Primary