Friday, 29 May 2015

From the PYP Coordinator

Yesterday we had our Student Led Conferences. This was an opportunity for the students to have a chance to show their parents what they have been doing in their units of inquiry, single subject lessons and in the classrooms in general.

It was great to see so many parents in school seeing and experiencing what the students are doing on a daily basis. Inquiring into aspects of the units, reading, and even doing maths tests!

The preparation for this was very much giving the responsibility to the students. Letting the students decide what the classroom will look like and what the activities and learning experience are which will be set up for the parents to enjoy! We want the students to become more self managed and independent, whilst at the same time taking more ownership of their own learning; being able to have conversations and discussions about what they have learnt and what they want to inquire into next. It is very important for us as educators and parents to support them on that journey and give them the support they need.

Alex Inman
PYP Coordinator

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Week 36 of Primary Weekly Correspondence

Here is the following correspondence from Primary Office this week;

Primary Announcement
  • Last day of CCA session 3 is Friday 29th May 2015. Please directly check with our ECA providers as per when is their last lesson. Thank you for your participation in both our programmes, please note that all CCAs and ECAs will resume in September 2015.

Library Update! Ms Fong -
  • Last day to borrow is May 29 Friday --  this Friday!.  Library will be closed for all of June for inventory and recataloging/F and P levelling. This letter went out to parents in February

  • JYP teachers  inform parents that the Library Info Session on Academic Honesty on Thurs 28 May has been cancelled.  It has been rescheduled for June 4 at 9:30am in the library.

Malissa Rahman
Primary Admin


Friday, 22 May 2015

Thoughts from the Chatsworth Primary Hallway

“The process of students reflecting on their learning, through effective questioning that promotes the articulation of student thinking, is integral to classroom assessment practices that enhance student learning.” Black, P & Wiliam, D (1998)

  • Thursday 28 May 2015 is Student Led Conference (SLC) day. A student-led conference is a meeting run by the student for his or her parents, entirely focused on the student’s recent learning. During the conference, the student presents work in different curriculum areas, discussing the process of learning and the progress made to date. SLSs give parents, students and teachers the opportunity to be a valued part of our reporting process.  During the SLC, parents are given the opportunity to understand, share and celebrate their child’s progress as well as areas of strength and areas of further growth. As a result of SLCs, students are empowered and develop a greater sense of ownership of their learning.

  • We look forward to seeing you on campus on Thursday.

Mario Gauci
Head of Primary

Week 35 of Primary Weekly Correspondence

Here is the following correspondence from Primary Office this week;

Primary Announcement

  • Due to the Student led Conferences on Thursday 28th May 2015 all CCAs will be cancelled on that day.

  • Last day of CCA session 3 is Friday 29th May 2015. Please directly check with our ECA providers as per when is their last lesson. Thank you for your participation in both our programmes, please note that all CCAs and ECAs will resume in September 2015.

Happening Next Week!
Student Led Conference 28th May 2015. There are no lessons on that day. We look forward to seeing you at school to celebrate your child's learning journey.

Library Update! Ms Fong -
Bookaburra Closure - open to the public from May 18 to June 8.  Details are here.
Library Info Session on EbscoHost, an online database of magazines and articles will be in the library at 9:30am on May 21.  All evening sessions have been cancelled.  Details are here.
Asian Festival of Children's Content May 30 to June 6.  Workshops and talks for teachers, parents and writers. Details are here.

Sports Update

Update Netball 11 and under
Season 3 has been a busy season for the 11 and under who took part in the Netball League playing games against the Acsis schools. They were elated to be placed in the top division for the Cup play off.They tied for silver medal and on points back were awarded the bronze medal.
Well done for an excellent season ! Big thank you to parents for their support and to our referee Mr Inman
Netball Coach Brennan
Malissa Rahman
Primary Admin

Friday, 15 May 2015

From the PYP Coordinator

The final essential element which forms the IB Primary Years Programme is that of “action”.
What we aim to to do in the classrooms is to inspire the students, what ever their age is, to take independent, responsible action based on their learning, inquiries and experiences. The emphasis is also on the independence. The students thinking about the issues and deciding for themselves what they can do, or how they can change their behaviour.

“PYP schools can and should meet the challenge of offering all learners the opportunity and the power to choose to act; to decide on their actions; and to reflect on these actions in order to make a difference in and to the world.” Making the PYP Happen 2014

You may notice this at home, your child asking to visit the zoo or the library to do some independent research because of a unit on endangered animals. Or setting up some recycle bins in the kitchen because of an environmental unit they have been inquiring about.

If you see your child taking action at home, please do let your homeroom teachers know. We aim to celebrate this in school and also include it in the units themselves. It is not uncommon for student’s independent action and inquiries to be incorporated into the units of inquiry. We are, after all, a community of learners.

Alex Inman
PYP Coordinator

Week 34 of Primary Weekly Correspondence

Here is the following correspondence from Primary Office this week;

Primary Announcement

  1. Just a reminder that on the 28th of May we will be having our Student Led Conferences. This will be a no-school day, except for when you come in with your child.You will receive later in the week, an invitation to choose a time slot to come into school and visit your child’s classroom. Your child will share with you some learning centres they will already have set up, based on what they have been doing in class. These will be activities and learning experiences the students have enjoyed during the units of inquiry. The students will be taking responsibility for leading discussions, and also for their learning by sharing the process with parents.  
The role of the student - Introduce the parents to the teacher and teaching assistant
- Lead their parents through the centres
- Share their learning of skills and concepts with their parents   
The role of parents - Actively listen to the students, providing encouragement and feedback
- Ask open questions to promote thinking and reflection
The role of the teacher and teaching assistant- Facilitate conversations between students and parents
  • CCA Update- Last day of CCA session 3 is Friday 29th May 2015. Please directly check with our ECA providers as per when is their last lesson. Thank you for your participation in both our programmes, please note that all CCAs and ECAs will resume in September 2015.

Happening Next Week!

Inquiry in the PYP Cafe Evening - 20th May, 6pm - 7pm Main Hall (RSVP Here)今回のワークショップ「Inquiry in the PYP Cafe」では、チャッツワースインターナショナルスクールにおいて、探求型学習がどのように行われているかを解き明かしていきます。思考の可視化を用いた学習法、アートでの表現活動、探求型フォニックス学習などを紹介します。This workshop will unpack what inquiry based teaching and learning looks like here at Chatsworth. Visible thinking strategies, responding to art and understanding phonics through inquiry will be explored.
Parents Cafe Y3 Language Option - 22th May, 2.45pm - 3.30pm, Main Hall (RSVP Here)
The Primary Language Team will host a Parent Cafe on Friday 22nd May from 2.45pm to 3.30pm in the Main Hall to introduce the new Primary Language Programme for 2015-2016. During this Parent cafe, we will give more information on Early Years additional French and Mandarin lessons, the transition from Year 2 to Year 3 student’s language options, the Junior Years levelled classes and the ESL Programme

Library Update! Ms Fong -

Bookaburra Closure - open to the public from May 18 to June 8.  Details are (here).
Library Info Session on EbscoHost, an online database of magazines and articles will be in the library at 9:30am on May 21.  All evening sessions have been cancelled.  Details are (here).
Asian Festival of Children's Content May 30 to June 6.  Workshops and talks for teachers, parents and writers. Details are here.

Malissa Rahman

Primary Admin

Friday, 8 May 2015

Thoughts from the Chatsworth Primary Hallway

Residential Week

This week the Years 3 to Year 6 students and teachers have been away to several part of the country as part of the residential experience.  The Year 3 students enjoyed and overnight stay at the Singapore Birdpark where they slept with the penguins!  The Year 4 students travelled to Sarimbun Scout Camp for an overnight stay and have enjoyed many team challenges.  The Year 5 students left on Wednesday for a two-night stay in Changi National Servicemen's Resort and Country Club and the Year 6 Students left on Tuesday for a three-night stay in Mersing, Malaysia.  These overnight trips give our students an opportunity to experience a different type of trip away from their families. It allows for team building and bonding with other students as well as the opportunity to develop new friendships with children in their same year level but not necessarily in the same class.  All of the children were excited to leave this week with their bags pack and hugs from mums and dads.  From the look of the photos below you can see that they had a great time.  Thank you to everyone involved in making these residential trips a great success.

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Mario Gauci
Head of Primary

From the PYP Coordinator

Welcome back to our Junior Years classes who have had a great time on residential camp this week.

The Year 3 classes had two days at Jurong Bird Park, supplementing their unit of inquiry on sharing the planet, “People can make choices to support the sustainability of the Earth’s resources”

Year 4 students had a chance to move out of the comfortable Singapore lifestyle and go adventure camping at Sarimbun Scout Camp to enhance their unit on who we are, “Beliefs and values  offer explanations about the world around us and define who we are”.

Year 5 went up to Changi country club and resort, adding to the who we are unit, “People around the world can encounter a range of challenges and risks that breach their human rights”.

Finally our Year 6 students and teachers headed up to the Mersing area of Malaysia to add to their who we are unit, “The onset of adolescence brings about change”.

They not only had a great chance to use the environment outside the classroom to expand on what they had been doing in class, but also to develop the skills, attitudes and attributes of the IB learner profile. We want to develop well rounded individuals, who are self confident and global citizens. These residential camps go a long way to helping us achieve this and at the same time let the students have some fun away from home!

Alex Inman
PYP Coordinator

Week 33 of Primary Weekly Correspondence

Here is the following correspondence from Primary Office this week;

Primary Announcement

Happening Next Week!
ESL Information Evening - 13th May, 6pm - 7pm Main Hall (RSVP Here)日頃より本校のESLサポートにご理解とご協力をいただき誠にありがとうございます。さて、お子様方の英語力と学習内容の理解をクラス内でより高めていくために、来年度よりESLサポートの体制を改めることとなりました。つきましては、下記日程により説明会を行いますので、是非お越し下さい。日時:5月13日(水) 午後6時から午後7時場所:校内メインホール(当日は日本語でのサポートがございます)In an effort to support your children in their acquiring the language of English and developing their skills within the classroom, we are changing our model of ESL support.  Please come and hear the ways we feel your children will benefit from this new model.
Primary movie night Friday May 15th.  Link for how to sign up.

Events Coming Up!
Inquiry in the PYP Cafe Evening - 20th May, 6pm - 7pm Main Hall (RSVP Here)今回のワークショップ「Inquiry in the PYP Cafe」では、チャッツワースインターナショナルスクールにおいて、探求型学習がどのように行われているかを解き明かしていきます。思考の可視化を用いた学習法、アートでの表現活動、探求型フォニックス学習などを紹介します。This workshop will unpack what inquiry based teaching and learning looks like here at Chatsworth. Visible thinking strategies, responding to art and understanding phonics through inquiry will be explored.
Parents Cafe Primary Language Programme 2015-2016 - 22th May, 2.45pm - 3.30pm,Main Hall(RSVP Here)
日時:5月22日(金) 午後2時45分〜3時30分
低学年(アーリー)で中国語に加えてフランス語の実施、Year 2からYear 3に進級する際の言語クラスの選択、高学年(ジュニア)でのレベル別言語クラス、そしてESLプログラムについての説明をおこないます。是非お越し下さい。
The Primary Language Team will host a Parent Cafe on Friday 22nd May from 2.45pm to 3.30pm in the Main Hall to introduce the new Primary Language Programme for 2015-2016. During this Parent cafe, we will give more information on Early Years additional French and Mandarin lessons, the transition from Year 2 to Year 3 student’s language options, the Junior Years levelled classes and the ESL Programme

Library Update! Ms Fong -
Parents please note the library closure for the whole month of June and last day to borrow library books on May 29 Friday. Letter is Here.
The AFCC - The Asian Festival of Children's Content is here from May 30 to June 6 at the Central Library near Bugis.  If you are a parent, teacher or writer interested in children's books, sign up.  Link is
The 7pm EVENING Library Session for NLB - The Benefits for Expats has been cancelled.  The morning session will still run. Please drop by the library if you want to join.

Malissa Rahman
Primary Admin
