Alex Inman
PYP Coordinator
Primary Announcement
Library Update! Ms Fong - efong@chatsworth.com.sg
Student Led Conference 28th May 2015. There are no lessons on that day. We look forward to seeing you at school to celebrate your child's learning journey.
Library Info Session on EbscoHost, an online database of magazines and articles will be in the library at 9:30am on May 21. All evening sessions have been cancelled. Details are here.
Asian Festival of Children's Content May 30 to June 6. Workshops and talks for teachers, parents and writers. Details are here.
Update Netball 11 and under
Season 3 has been a busy season for the 11 and under who took part in the Netball League playing games against the Acsis schools. They were elated to be placed in the top division for the Cup play off.They tied for silver medal and on points back were awarded the bronze medal.
Well done for an excellent season ! Big thank you to parents for their support and to our referee Mr Inman
Netball Coach Brennan
Inquiry in the PYP Cafe Evening - 20th May, 6pm - 7pm Main Hall (RSVP Here)今回のワークショップ「Inquiry in the PYP Cafe」では、チャッツワースインターナショナルスクールにおいて、探求型学習がどのように行われているかを解き明かしていきます。思考の可視化を用いた学習法、アートでの表現活動、探求型フォニックス学習などを紹介します。This workshop will unpack what inquiry based teaching and learning looks like here at Chatsworth. Visible thinking strategies, responding to art and understanding phonics through inquiry will be explored.
Parents Cafe Y3 Language Option - 22th May, 2.45pm - 3.30pm, Main Hall (RSVP Here)
The Primary Language Team will host a Parent Cafe on Friday 22nd May from 2.45pm to 3.30pm in the Main Hall to introduce the new Primary Language Programme for 2015-2016. During this Parent cafe, we will give more information on Early Years additional French and Mandarin lessons, the transition from Year 2 to Year 3 student’s language options, the Junior Years levelled classes and the ESL Programme
Library Info Session on EbscoHost, an online database of magazines and articles will be in the library at 9:30am on May 21. All evening sessions have been cancelled. Details are (here).
Asian Festival of Children's Content May 30 to June 6. Workshops and talks for teachers, parents and writers. Details are here.
ESL Information Evening - 13th May, 6pm - 7pm Main Hall (RSVP Here)日頃より本校のESLサポートにご理解とご協力をいただき誠にありがとうございます。さて、お子様方の英語力と学習内容の理解をクラス内でより高めていくために、来年度よりESLサポートの体制を改めることとなりました。つきましては、下記日程により説明会を行いますので、是非お越し下さい。日時:5月13日(水) 午後6時から午後7時場所:校内メインホール(当日は日本語でのサポートがございます)In an effort to support your children in their acquiring the language of English and developing their skills within the classroom, we are changing our model of ESL support. Please come and hear the ways we feel your children will benefit from this new model.
Inquiry in the PYP Cafe Evening - 20th May, 6pm - 7pm Main Hall (RSVP Here)今回のワークショップ「Inquiry in the PYP Cafe」では、チャッツワースインターナショナルスクールにおいて、探求型学習がどのように行われているかを解き明かしていきます。思考の可視化を用いた学習法、アートでの表現活動、探求型フォニックス学習などを紹介します。This workshop will unpack what inquiry based teaching and learning looks like here at Chatsworth. Visible thinking strategies, responding to art and understanding phonics through inquiry will be explored.
Parents Cafe Primary Language Programme 2015-2016 - 22th May, 2.45pm - 3.30pm,Main Hall(RSVP Here)
日時:5月22日(金) 午後2時45分〜3時30分
低学年(アーリー)で中国語に加えてフランス語の実施、Year 2からYear 3に進級する際の言語クラスの選択、高学年(ジュニア)
The Primary Language Team will host a Parent Cafe on Friday 22nd May from 2.45pm to 3.30pm in the Main Hall to introduce the new Primary Language Programme for 2015-2016. During this Parent cafe, we will give more information on Early Years additional French and Mandarin lessons, the transition from Year 2 to Year 3 student’s language options, the Junior Years levelled classes and the ESL Programme |
Parents please note the library closure for the whole month of June and last day to borrow library books on May 29 Friday. Letter is Here.
The AFCC - The Asian Festival of Children's Content is here from May 30 to June 6 at the Central Library near Bugis. If you are a parent, teacher or writer interested in children's books, sign up. Link is http://afcc.com.sg/
The 7pm EVENING Library Session for NLB - The Benefits for Expats has been cancelled. The morning session will still run. Please drop by the library if you want to join.