Friday, 30 October 2015

Week 12 of the Primary Correspondance

Parent Event

Hazwani Hassim (Wani)

Primary Administrative

Friday, 23 October 2015

Week 11 of the Primary Weekly Correspondance

    Do note there are no school for your child/ren on both days.

    Guideline for your PTC/PTSC
    EY: Students do not attend the conferences with their parents.
    JY: Students do attend with their parents.
  • Fun Run
    Thank you to all parents who kindly offered to help with the Fun Run that again has been postponed due to the haze levels.
  • EbscoHost
    EbscoHost is now on the library website, if parents want their children to access online magazines and newspapers.  Email Ms. Fong, the librarian, if you have questions.
Parent Event
  • There will be no CCA/ECA on the following dates: Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th October (PTSC), Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th November (teacher training and Deepavali).

Hazwani Hassim (Wani)

Primary Administrative

Parent Café

Our recent Parent Café was a presentation to the parents about the curriculum we have developed for our students. Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us. For those of you who were not able to attend, this week’s blog includes the PDF of the presentation. I have added explanations in several areas but please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions.

We are very proud of the progress we have made thus far this year but always know there are more ways we can improve. The joy of being an educator is that we have constant access to new research that guides us in best practice. Mr. Gauci has the motto that we do not change our current path of practice until we have well researched new practices in our teacher working groups. So you should know as parents that when things change in Primary at Chatsworth, it is because we know it is important for your child’s development.

Enjoy reviewing the curriculum.

Curriculum Parent Cafe

Kim Riemer
Assistant Head of Primary

Friday, 9 October 2015

Thoughts from the Chatsworth Primary Hallway

We persevered and finally the haze broke this week and the children regained the use of their playground once more. After spending nearly four weeks inside during recess and lunch times, going out to play was as exciting as eating ice-cream for breakfast!  Teachers quickly moved to outdoor activities to enjoy a little of the blue sky and sunshine.  The week ended with a dress up day and a great Dance Off House Assembly where all teams had the chance to dance to "Who let the dogs out". Teachers and students had lots of fun! We have had a great half term and we welcome a break to rest and recuperate for a busy second half of term 1. Have a great break, stay safe on your travel.

Enjoy this week's pics!

Mario Gauci
Head of Primary

Perspectives from the PYP Coordinator

9 October

Evidence and data inform our teaching. Formative assessments guide our next steps with our students. In our meetings and collaborative planning sessions, you will often hear teachers talking about these two aspects of our professional world. To better understand what they mean, you would have to study student work samples, listen to conversations amongst our students or talk to students directly. These are the things I see teachers doing every day in their classrooms. According to the American Institutes for Research…

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but in education, information speaks volumes. Data analysis can provide a snapshot of what students know, what they should know, and what can be done to meet their academic needs. With appropriate analysis and interpretation of data, educators can make informed decisions that positively affect student outcomes.

As we  get ready for Parent and Teacher conferences, your child’s teacher is looking forward to sharing their knowledge about your child’s learning.

Kim Riemer
Assistant Head of Primary

Week 9 of the Primary Weekly Correspondance

    The PTSC/PTC times and dates are on the class websites under ‘Class Updates’. Should you have an issue with your scheduled time, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher directly. We look forward to seeing you on October 26 and 27.
    Thursday 22nd October  JYP FUN RUN  YEAR 3 AND 4 BOTANIC GARDENS .  YEAR 5 AND 6 TO LABRADOR PARK  Please note we       will only proceed if PSI is not raised. Please wear house colours and cheer on your house.

  • Kym Tonkins Departure
    Here is a letter from the Head of Primary on Kym Tonkins Departure.
Parent Event
  • PARENT CAFE - Understanding the PYP
    Being an IB World School using a Primary Years Programme, our aim is to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people.
    Come find out the ways in which your child is learning
    Date: 21 October 2015
    Time: 1800
    Venue: Main Hall
    Presenter: Ms Kim Riemer
    RSVP your attendance here.
    The third session of the Library Information Sessions for Parents will be on Tuesday Oct 20 at 9:30am in the Library. Last minute participants are very welcomed, but remember to bring a laptop or tablet and register for the guest wireless at reception.   iPhones may have limited search capabilities. Find out how your students (and parents and teachers) have access to thousands of magazines, newspapers and academic articles with EbscoHost on our library website.

    The fourth session of the  Library Information Sessions for Parents on Academic Honesty and Plagiarism on Tues Oct 27 will be cancelled due to PTSC meetings. It will be rescheduled for Nov 3 Tues at 9:30am in the library.  Thank you to all the parents who have attended these sessions.

    The Singapore Writers’ Festival is on from Oct 30 to Nov 8. Lots of interesting authors and discussions for teachers and parents.  Parents may wish to attend two free sessions:  Help - my son doesn’t read (Nov 1) and How dark is too dark (can young adult literature be a negative influence?) (Oct 31).  Also Stay offline and read a book (to your child) may be of interest to parents on Nov 1 $30SGD.
    Cross Country  teams will go on and run for Chatsworth in the Inter - schools Meet on Wed 28th  October 2015 Bedok
    Netball Carnival held at Dulwich saw the Chatsworth team in action. Some great team work and delightful shooting from our young players. Next Tournament 10 and under wed 21st October.

Hazwani Hassim (Wani)
Primary Administrative

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Channel Chatsworth - Webcast #1 by Digital Media Team

Each week our digital media team will provide weekly updates for our students on Mondays. Check out our first episode. 

Friday, 2 October 2015

Thoughts from the Chatsworth Primary Hallway

Learning never exhausts the mind -
Leonardo Da Vinci
It has been quite a week coping with the haze conditions Singapore is facing right now.  Students have spent the entire day and week indoors out of the hazardous conditions.  We all know that having time to run around and expend some of the energy children have, is essential to learning. Having said that though, the students and teachers have continued with the learning adding stints of exercise routines in their classrooms. Unfortunately, field trips and sports events have also been cancelled due to the poor air. Hopefully, we will be able to resume our normal activities soon.

Please note that children should refrain from running around on the playground after school as the haze is at a high level, too dangerous for children to be running around.

Ms Debbie and Miss Alison's Year 1 class has been working on their assembly this week and presented a fine assembly on how to be good inquirers.  They illustrated many ways we can find answers to our questions. Both teachers and students had lots of fun presenting this assembly.

Pics of the week...

Mario Gauci
Head of Primary

Week 8 of the Primary Weekly Correspondance

  • PTSC/PTCThe PTSC/PTC Signup forms are now available on the class websites. Please sign up by Wednesday October 7 at 4pm. Please sign up through your oldest child’s (or only child’s) teacher. Parents will be notified of the PTSC/PTC times on Friday October 9.
  • Singapore Haze
    Here is the letter and Haze Index from the Head of School
  • Parent Cafe - Inquiry in the PYP (21st September)
    If you have missed our Parent Cafe - Inquiry in the PYP presented by Mr Michael Lucchesi, here are the slides and workbook.

Parent Events
  • Early Years Presentation - Is my Child Settling In? By Lissy Puno, MA
    Date: 6 October 2015
    Time: 1800
    Venue: Main Hall
    RSVP your attendance.
    More details here.
  • Caring for Cambodia - a whole school fundraising activity
    A few activities for Y8 CEW Fundraising on 9th October 2015:
    1) Donation Jar - Placed at Reception
    2) Charity Fair - Various games and activities, as well as crafts for sales during Secondary & Primary Lunch
    3) Free Dress Day : Children can bring in money ($2 for dress up to participate and dress up like a superhero.)
    More details here.
    Date: 9 October 2015
    Time: 0915
    Venue: Room 5D
    RSVP via
  • PARENT CAFE - Understanding the PYP
    Being an IB World School using a Primary Years Programme, our ain is to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people.
    Come find out the ways in which your child is learning
    Date: 21 October 2015
    Time: 1800
    Venue: Main Hall
    Presenter: Ms Kim Riemer
    RSVP your attendance here.
    The second session of the Library Information Sessions for Parents will be on Tuesday Oct 6 at 9:30am in the Library. Last minute participants are welcomed, but remember to bring a laptop or tablet and register for the guest wireless at reception.   iPhones may have limited search capabilities. We will be comparing Encyclopedia Britannica Online to Wikipedia.  
    The Singapore Writers’ Festival is on from Oct 30 to Nov 8. Lots of interesting authors and discussions for teachers and parents.  Parents may wish to attend two free sessions:  Help - my son doesn’t read (Nov 1) and How dark is too dark (can young adult literature be a negative influence?) (Oct 31).  Also Stay offline and read a book (to your child) may be of interest to parents on Nov 1 $30SGD.
For an array of reasons, we had to cancelled a few CCAs/ECAS this week. Regarding end of day protocols, please communicate directly with  your homeroom teacher / teaching assistant and Ms Brenda our bus manager at to confirm any changes from this point forward. All teachers involved have been informed of the cancellations as well as the Bus company, the Primary Office and Reception. Once again, we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, however, we hope you understand that we have your child’s best interest at heart.

    Please be reminded that due to the current weather conditions Whizzkids K1 and K2 Tuesday swimming ECA as well as Year 1 and Year 2 Wednesday swimming ECA have been cancelled for Session 1. Swimming will resume in January 2016 for Session 2. Please refer to the letter sent home on Monday 28th September to the concerned families.
    Hyun Taekwondo Academy Tuesday ECA had to be cancelled on Tuesday 29th September 2015. Mr. Lim and Mr. Kim will conduct a make-up class on Tuesday 1st December from 3.45pm to 4.45pm in the Main Hall.
    This week’s classes were both cancelled. Make up lesson will be held on Wednesday 2nd and Friday 4th December 2015.
    Electronic Music and Thursday 3:45pm: Free Art & Film have been cancelled from this week until the end of Session 1 on Friday 27th November 2015
    Girls Football Thursday after school CCA with  Mr. Snell has been cancelled until the weather clears out and allows safe outdoor activities.
Hazwani Hassim (Wani)
Primary Administrative