Friday, 25 May 2018

Thoughts from the Chatsworth Primary Hallway

The purpose of Conferences within the Primary Years Programme (PYP) is for information to be shared between various stakeholders within the school, namely the teacher, parents and student. 

This past week Chatsworth Primary hosted their Student-led conferences. These conferences, as noted in the IB publication, “Making the PYP Happen” are described as:

Student-led conferences involve the student and the parent. The students are responsible for leading the conference, and also take responsibility for their learning by sharing the process with their parents. It may involve students demonstrating their understanding through a variety of different learning situations. There may be several conferences taking place simultaneously.

The parent turnout was strong. It is pleasing to see the parent community invested in what their child is learning at school as well as how they are learning. As stated in previous blog posts, our students are learning in a much different manner that we did (at least me) when I was in school. It was also great to view the students excited, articulate and confident in presenting their learning to their parents.

I also participated in the student-led conference as a parent as my daughter Stella, in year four, took me around to share the various activities. She beat me in a mathematics dice game (handedly I might add), we made a clay model together and wrote poems. This was followed by us working on a reflection, again together, (she insisted we take a selfie to add to her work) that she uploaded to her digital portfolio.

It is my hope that all of the parents had a wonderful experience with their child as I did.

I would like to thank all the parents who came; your presence makes a huge difference in the triangular relationship between teacher, student and parent we promote here at Chatsworth. I would also like to thank the teachers for their effort in organizing for the day. As you can imagine, the preparation for the conferences takes much time and effort.

Dr. Michael Berry
Head of Primary

Week 43 of the Primary Weekly Correspondance

  • House Assemblies
    Please have your child in their House T-Shirt for the following dates.
    1st June: EY & JY House Captain Voting
    8th June: Final EY & JY House Event
  • Orchard New Development Brochure
    More details here.
  • Revamp of the Chatsworth Uniform
    More details here.
    Please note that our ECA/CCA Session 2 has ended. There are no ECA/CCA from 29 May onwards.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Thought from the Chatsworth Primary Hallway

We are extremely excited to share with the parent community just a few of the new initiatives that we will implement in the 2018-2019 academic school year.

As you know, when the Chatsworth Orchard opens in August 2018, we will be a Primary (K1-Yr 6) campus. Although we value what a K-Yr 13 school can bring to all students, we are looking forward to spreading out to better support the Primary children.

In doing so, we have planned to create a purpose built school for students ages 3-11. Here you will find a flyer developed by the marketing department here at Chatsworth. In the brief, we outline the new play spaces that will be ready for the students to utilize on the first day of school on August 16. I will not go into the details of the features in each play space here as you can read about them in the attachment.

We also have planned for new additions to our curriculum. As a PYP school, we value holistic education and our purpose is to develop the whole child. With these new exciting initiatives to our curriculum we are continuing to make great strides in meeting those objectives.

I want to thank Mr. Sherwood, Head of Schools, and the Board at Chatsworth for supporting the Primary School in this endeavor.

Warm Regards,

Dr. Michael Berry
Head of Primary

Week 42 of the Primary Weekly Correspondance

  • Parent Survey on Reporting at Chatsworth International School, Orchard Campus
    We would like to collect your thoughts and opinions on our current reporting practices.
    Click here for the survey
  • Student Led Conference (SLC)
    Please note that there is no regular class on this day as students will be attending their individual conference with their parents as scheduled.
    Booking link here with code 6664j
    SLC letter here.
  • House Assemblies
    Please have your child in their House T-Shirt for the following dates.
    25th May: EY & JY Class House Event
    1st June: EY & JY House Captain Voting
    8th June: Final EY & JY House Event
  • Revamp of the Chatsworth Uniform
    More details here.
  • Y5 Puberty Class (22 May)
    Please note that the class is for both Y5 boys and girls.
    More details on the revised letter here.
  • School Musical: Cinderella and Rockerfella
    Date: 25 & 26 May 2018
    Venue: Lee Foundation Theatre
    Tickets now on sale at the School Reception
    More details here.

Friday, 11 May 2018

Week 41 Happenings

11 May 2018

What an exciting week in the Primary School!

The Year Six Exhibition was a huge success and we are so proud of the energy, enthusiasm, and presentations by all of our students. On Tuesday evening teachers, parents and family members joined us on campus to kick off the two and half day event. Today the Y6 students reflected on their experiences of the last nine weeks and celebrated with a pizza party and dodgeball games, a great way to end this very special journey in the lives of our oldest primary students.

While the Year Six classes were celebrating so were our youngest students, the Kindergarten classes. The K classes honored their mothers today with flowers, poetry, a spa day, treats and lots of love. In honor of mother’s day in May, the Kindy students wanted their mothers to know how much they appreciate them.

This afternoon, we had a very exciting interactive assembly from our Single Subject teachers and their students. From making poems to drumming to graffiti art to dancing and singing - fun was had by all!

Check out the videos and photos of this special week in the Primary School.

Kim Riemer

Assistant Head of Primary

Exhibition Creative Reflection

Exhibition 2018
