Friday, 31 August 2018

Parent Orientation

Parent Orientation

It was a pleasure for all the teachers and staff at Chatsworth to welcome the parent community to our annual Parent Orientation meetings. These meetings serve many purposes:
  • It allows the parents and teachers to meet each other face-to-face rather than relying on technology
  • Teachers and parents can share information ensuring that we are all clear in terms of the day-to-day happenings in your child’s class
  • Parents are able to ask questions they may have
  • Parents can view the learning environment
All of these reasons are important for us to begin to create a triangular relationship between school, parents and students.

I received a great amount of feedback from parents after the meetings as we mingled before we went home. What I found is that parents are extremely supportive of the the school and the teachers. It is pleasing to see that we all have the same vision in how we educate the children. Should you want to provide more feedback on the meetings, please feel free to contact me as I would be very interested to learning your thoughts.

Dr. Michael Berry
Head of Primary

Week 2 of the Primary Correspondance

Primary Weekly Correspondance
  • September Lunch Menu
  • Junior Years Canteen Wristbands Letter here. FAQ here.
  • NLB Libraries
    The public libraries are allowing double borrowing until Sept 30. This means 16 print books and 16 ebooks.

  • AFCC - the Asian Festival of Children's
    AFCC - the Asian Festival of Children's Content is from Sept 6-8 if you are interested in children books and publishing.   Singapore is the country of focus this year. More info is here.
  • Chatsworth Parent Group (CPG)
    Welcome back! Please join us Monday, 3 September 2018 at 9:00am in the Discovery Centre (4D, just past the Primary Office) for the first CPG Coffee Morning of the year. There will be a brief introduction to the CPG, a chance to mingle with fellow Chatsworth parents and important information about upcoming events.
    We look forward to seeing you soon!
    The CPG Team
    Please RSVP via:
    What: CPG Coffee Morning
    When: September 3, 2018 (Monday)
               9:00 a.m.
    Where: Room 4D (Discovery Centre)

Friday, 24 August 2018

First Week

The teachers arrived to their first day of school on August 1. Over the next 15 days we worked together to organize classrooms, plan our curriculum, acclimated to our new campus equipment and prepared for the students to return to us. In that last week or so, I heard many teachers mention that the school was too quiet and were ready to greet the students.

We all wanted to see the children’s faces and join in their excitement when they walked up the hill by the main gate as they viewed new playgrounds.

Having the students back at school has been wonderful. As a school that now caters to Primary students and families only, the campus feels more relaxed. We have room to roam the areas that make up Chatsworth - Orchard Campus.

I want to thank the teachers and the leadership team for their effort in readying the school for your children. There was a good amount of blood and sweat (literally) put into cleaning, organizing and moving of equipment and resources. This was all done with the great attitude of “rolling up our sleeves” to do the jobs that we needed to complete.

Additionally, I want to thank Mr. Tyler Sherwood and the Board for their great effort in supporting our ideas as to how we can improve the campus for the students. The endeavor did not come cheaply; however they trusted our vision and continue to do so.

This past Thursday we hosted the Parent Orientation meetings with your Early Years parents. I appreciate the turnout from our parent community for the event. I find having these meetings are a positive way to begin our learning journey together in supporting the students here at school. Next Thursday, August 30th, we will invite our JY families for an information evening. The session will begin in the Main Hall at 6:00pm and end in the classrooms approximately at 7:30pm. We look forward to welcoming you.

Dr. Michael Berry
Head of Primary

Week 1 of the Primary Weekly Correspondance

  • NLB BorrowingIf you have a membership at the public libraries here, you can borrow double the usual number (16 print books/magazines and 16 ebooks) until Sept 30. More info on this link.
  • Library Parent VolunteerThe Library need parent volunteers - if they are native Korean/Japanese speakers, that would be great as we have some Korean/Japanese books that need processing.

    The times would be Mon to Fri
    10 - 11:30
    11:30 - 12:30
    1:30 to 2:30
    2:30 to 3:30

    Interested parents could email me at
  • JY Parent Orientation EveningDate: 30th August 2018
    Time: 6-7.30pm
    Venue: Main Hall

    RSVP here.
    More details here.
  • Chatsworth Parent Group (CPG)Welcome back! Please join us Monday, 3 September 2018 at 9:00am in the Discovery Centre (4D, just past the Primary Office) for the first CPG Coffee Morning of the year. There will be a brief introduction to the CPG, a chance to mingle with fellow Chatsworth parents and important information about upcoming events.

    We look forward to seeing you soon!

    The CPG Team

    Please RSVP via:

    What: CPG Coffee Morning
    When: September 3, 2018 (Monday)
              9:00 a.m.
    Where: Room 4D (Discovery Centre)
  • August Lunch Menu