Friday, 30 November 2018


I attended Longwood College in the United States many years ago where I earned my bachelor’s degree in elementary education. In addition, I took extra reading / literature classes to earn a reading endorsement allowing me to teach in that area from grades K-12. Later I went on to earn my master’s degree as a reading specialist. I assumed I would do something with reading when I embarked on my journey in earning my doctoral degree. As they say, life got in the way.

In my first year as elementary principal at ABA, there was concern voiced by middle school teachers and parents that our elementary students were not proficient in recalling their multiplication facts. I set out with my doctoral dissertation to determine if a) that were true, and b), if so, why not? The title of my dissertation was The Effect of Technology on Basic Multiplication Fact Fluency.

In writing a dissertation, one requirement is to compose a Literature Review chapter. This chapter is dedicated to the most current research where one reads peer reviewed articles, research and other dissertations in the subject area as well as the surrounding supporting aspects of the subject. One area of my literature review focused on the importance of understanding multiplication at the conceptual level. I took this information back to our teachers for us to consider.

The teachers and I have met together to read and speak of how the PYP believes children learn mathematics. We learned what the most recent research says about the importance of children’s conceptual understanding in the context of mathematics and how this influences later mathematics learning. The research is clear, when a child does not know what it means to multiply numbers conceptually, even the memorization of multiplication basic facts becomes more challenging. The research is also clear that it is not an “either / or” approach in pedagogy. Procedural learning is important in learning mathematics. However, Rittle-Johnson and Alibali found that children with greater conceptual understanding tend to have better procedural skills. In other words, procedural teaching, although and important educational piece, must go hand in hand with the teaching of conceptual understanding in mathematics.

Stanford University mathematics professor Jo Boaler, who I have mentioned in previous newsletters, has influenced me in how I believe teachers should be teaching mathematics to our children. She has been recently recognized as the twelfth most influential person in education. I would encourage you to visit the website to learn more about her revolution in how we teach math.

As Boaler repeatedly states, “Viva La Revolucion”.

Dr. Michael Berry
Head of Primary

Week 14 of the Primary Weekly Correspondance

Primary Weekly Correspondance

  • Our Learning Journey ConcertThe LJC is our end of semester celebration and will be held tomorrow, 1st December 2018. Every class will be sharing their learning through song, dance, and drama. Students will arrive at the Kallang Theater at 9:00 am and will be taken by their teachers in the auditorium lobby. The Concert will begin at 10:00 am. The show will last approximately one hour. Although the theater is spacious, there are only enough seats to allow 3 tickets for each family. Doors will open for parents to be seated at 9:45. Parents will collect their children at the end of the concert from the classroom teacher - JY in the theatre lobby, EY in their theatre seats. All children will be checked off a class list by the teacher when their child is collected. For the safety of our students, please be patient with us as we try to ensure each child is successfully transferred to their parents. 
  • Parent Cafe - Mathematics (5 Dec)Join us for a Parent Cafe in which we will explore and learn more about Mathematics at Chatsworth.

    In this Parent Cafe you will learn about the latest Math Research, our Maths curriculum and visit classrooms. We will also share an exciting opportunity to learn and study online with us as we form a collective understanding of the importance of Jo Boaler's Mathematical Mindsets.

    Date: 5 December 2018
    Time: 0900 - 1100
    Venue: Discovery Centre (Room 4D)
    RSVP your seats here.
  • Free Dress Day - December 7thThe theme this month is Superhero Day, should your child want to participate (it is not mandatory). There will not be a fee for this event. (Any JY student who wishes to play in the house football game should change into their house shirt and running shoes at lunch.)
  • Christmas Celebration (11 Dec)More details here.
    Students are encouraged to come dressed in red, white and green, or in any Christmas outfit.

Friday, 23 November 2018

Learning Journey Concert

On Saturday December 1, Chatsworth International School -- Orchard Campus will be presenting the “Our Learning Journey Concert” at Kallang Theater. There has been much preparation in readying each of our students for their time to shine on the large stage at Kallang.

Although these showcases are aesthetically pleasing for the audience, there are many aspects to teaching and learning that take place in the design and performance of the show.

Firstly, we try to allow as much student agency in how the presentation will look and sound. Students are very much a part in the design of their performance. Next, as the children begin to practice, they decide on what parts of the performance are working well for them, and what needs to be rethought to better their exhibition. This reflective piece is important to the students as they learn to analyze their actions and collaborate with their peers working together toward a common goal. Finally, during the actual show, the exhibit that they are risk-takers by being on the stage and presenting their learning confidently in front of approximately 1,000 people. There is much more to the learning journey than simply viewing the show.

I want to thank all the teachers, teaching assistants and the children for their effort.

As a reminder:

Our Learning Journey Concert is our end of semester celebration and will be held on 1st December 2018. Every class will be sharing their learning through song, dance, and drama. Students will arrive at the Kallang Theater at 9:00 am and will be taken by their teachers in the auditorium lobby. The Concert will begin at 10:00 am. The show will last approximately one hour. Although the theater is spacious, there are only enough seats to allow 3 tickets for each family. Doors will open for parents to be seated at 9:45.

Dr. Michael Berry
Head of Primary

Week 13 of the Primary Weekly Correspondance

Primary Weekly Correspondance
  • CCA/ECA Booklet
  • Here is the link for the website with the CCA/ECA booklet for Session 2. CCA sign-ups will close 25 November. CCA assignments will be sent to your email on Monday, 26 November. ECA sign-ups will then begin 27 November. New ECA options have been added.

  • Bukit Timah Campus Open HouseOur wonderful Bukit Timah campus will be holding an Open House for parents and families interested in coming to Chatsworth Bukit Timah.

    We would greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word to your friends who might be looking for a school in Singapore.

    Details are on our website link HERE

  • Parent Cafe - Mathematics (5 Dec)
    Join us for a Parent Cafe in which we will explore and learn more about Mathematics at Chatsworth.

    In this Parent Cafe you will learn about the latest Math Research, our Maths curriculum and visit classrooms. We will also share an exciting opportunity to learn and study online with us as we form a collective understanding of the importance of Jo Boaler's Mathematical Mindsets.

    Date: 5 December 2018
    Time: 0900 - 1100
    Venue: Discovery Centre (Room 4D)
    RSVP your seats here.
  • Christmas Celebration (11 Dec)More details here.

Friday, 16 November 2018

Prespective from the PYP Coordinator

It has been an especially exciting week for our Year 5 and Year 6 students as they went for their residential camps. The camps were a roaring success with the students gaining confidence, developing their social skills and enjoying risk-taking in a safe and challenging outdoor environment.

For the Year 6 students, the highlights included: archery tag, raft building, hiking, climbing, outdoors and eating toasted marshmallows. For our Year 5 cohort, the students loved sea kayaking, mountain biking and outdoor cooking.

On campus, we have been working towards our Learning Journey concert which is our end of Semester celebration. Like last year, we will be using the Kallang Theatre. The performance will begin at 10 am on Saturday the 1st of December and is expected to run for about an hour. We kindly request that students be at the venue by 9:30 am at the latest so that they may take their positions. The event will not be a formally ticketed event as we are confident that the Theatre will have enough seating for our community. We have planned for each student to have a maximum of 3 visitors supporting their performance. Should you require more seats please reach out to your homeroom teacher.

Michael Jarvis Lucchesi
Primary Years Coordinator

Week 12 of the Primary Weekly Correspondance

Primary Weekly Correspondance

  • CPG Coffee Morning (19 Nov)Please join us Monday, 19 November 2018 at 9:00am in the Discovery Centre (4D). We’ll have coffee, snacks and info about upcoming events like the Learning Journey Concert and Chatsworth’s annual Christmas Bazaar.

    We look forward to seeing you there!

    The CPG TeamPlease RSVP via:

    What: CPG Coffee Morning
    When: November 19, 2018 (Monday)
                9:00 a.m.
    Where: Room 4D (Discovery Centre)
  • Lissy Puno - Domestic talk for helpersDate: 21 November 2018
    Time: 10.00 - 11.30am
    Venue: Main Hall

    More details here.
  • ECA Open House (23 Nov)Come and see all the different activities available for your children in Session 2.

    Date: 23 November 2018
    Time: 8.30-9.30
    Venue: Main Hall

    Here is the link for the website with the CCA/ECA booklet for Session 2. CCA sign-ups are open now and will continue through 25 November. ECA sign-ups will begin 27 November. Check out all your great options. Students may sign up for a maximum of 3 CCAs. Please access SchoolsBuddy through this link:

  • Christmas Celebration (11 Dec)More details here.
  • Bukit Timah Campus Open HouseOur wonderful Bukit Timah campus will be holding an Open House for parents and families interested in coming to Chatsworth Bukit Timah.

    We would greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word to your friends who might be looking for a school in Singapore.

    Details are on our website link HERE

  • Parent Cafe - Mathematics (5 Dec)
    Join us for a Parent Cafe in which we will explore and learn more about Mathematics at Chatsworth.

    In this Parent Cafe you will learn about the latest Math Research, our Maths curriculum and visit classrooms. We will also share an exciting opportunity to learn and study online with us as we form a collective understanding of the importance of Jo Boaler's Mathematical Mindsets.

    Date: 5 December 2018
    Time: 0900 - 1100
    Venue: Discovery Centre (Room 4D)
    RSVP your seats here.

Friday, 9 November 2018

Week 11 of the Primary Weekly Correspondance

Primary Weekly Correspondance
  • School Photographs 2018/19
    More details here.
  • ECA Open House (23 Nov)
    Come and see all the different activities available for your children in Session 2.
    Date: 23 November 2018
    Time: 8.30-9.30
    Venue: Main Hall

    Session 2 ECA/CCA dates are from 21 January 2019 - 15 March 2019
    Registration for Session 2
    - CCA: 19 November 2018
    - ECA: 26 November 2018
  • Bukit Timah Campus Open House (24 Nov)Our wonderful Bukit Timah campus will be holding an Open House for parents and families interested in coming to Chatsworth Bukit Timah.

    We would greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word to your friends who might be looking for a school in Singapore.

    Details are on this email, and also on our website link HERE

  • Parent Cafe - Mathematics (5 Dec)
    Join us for a Parent Cafe in which we will explore and learn more about Mathematics at Chatsworth.
    In this Parent Cafe you will learn about the latest Math Research, our Maths curriculum and visit classrooms. We will also share an exciting opportunity to learn and study online with us as we form a collective understanding of the importance of Jo Boaler's Mathematical Mindsets.

    Date: 5 December 2018
    Time: 0900 - 1100
    Venue: Discovery Centre (Room 4D)
    RSVP your seats here.