Friday, 16 January 2015

From the PYP Coordinator

Students living and studying abroad have a very special and often unique opportunity. To be able to interact and form friendships with children from different cultures and backgrounds, sometimes very different from their own and to be able to understand which values are important to them. As the International Baccalaureate puts it in their mission statement, "that other people, with their differences, can also be right.” The students have a wonderful opportunity to look at, experience and see the world from a perspective outside of their home countries boundaries. 

One of the most important beliefs and values of the Primary Years Programme is that of international mindedness. The International Baccalaureate is after all an organization which develops international educational programmes for students in an international context. It is very hard to actually define what international mindedness actually is, but here at Chatsworth we hope to be able to instil a set of values and understanding that develops internationalism and international mindedness though the skills and the attitudes developed in our units of inquiry and through the attributes of the IB learner profile which you will see around the school. And of course developing those lifelong friendships and relationships with students from all around the world.

Alex Inman
PYP Coordinator

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