Friday, 6 February 2015

From the PYP Coordinator

The students in Year 6 are currently in the process of completing their Student Exhibition. This is a time of the year when our students who are soon due to graduate the Primary Years Programme, instead of following one of the regular units of inquiry the students will embark on their own central idea and lines of inquiry. This involves pulling together all aspects of the PYP which will then culminate in each student representing what they have been inquiring into expressed through the student Exhibition.

The students begin the process by identifying where their passions lay, what is it that they are really motivated by? A series of discussions, research and tailoring of ideas will the result in the students writing their own central ideas, questions and lines of inquiry which will drive their exhibition process over the coming weeks. They are supported by all of the staff in school and also by any experts we may have in our community and also in the wider world; Skype interviews to different countries not being uncommon! Finally the students will hopefully have identified action they will take as a result of their inquiry.

So please come along and support the students on the 26th and the 27th of this month in the main hall and see what they have achieved!

Self Study Questionnaire
As part of our upcoming evaluation visit by the International Baccalaureate in November this year, we would like to ask parents to participate in our self study process. If you could spare 10 minutes to help us by completing this questionnaire it would be very much appreciated.

PYP Self Study Questionnaire here

Alex Inman
PYP Coordinator

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