Friday, 6 March 2015

Week 26 of Primary Weekly Correspondence

Here is the following correspondence from Primary Office this week;
Primary Correspondence

  • CCA - Next week is the last week of the CCA Session 2. All CCAs/ECAs will resume on the week commencing on Monday 13th April 2015 and will finish by Friday 29th May 2015. Make sure to check with your ECA providers when will be their last session too.Before Easter break you will have access to all CCAs and ECAs offers via our school website. All CCAs Session 3 registrations lines will be open during the last week before the holidays. Confirmation emails will be send home after the holidays. More information on CCAs/ECAS to come next week. 
  • Chatsworth Parent Group
    The end of the academic year is quickly approaching but we've still got a few more tricks up our sleeves. Please join us for another lovely coffee morning on March 16.
    We'll be discussing some of the last few projects lined up for the remainder of the year -- including a Chatsworth Family Cookbook, updates on the recycled uniform sale and the parent advertising/re-sell board, and possibly even a school wide flea market event.
    Please RSVP via so that we can order the appropriate amount of snacks and beverages for our gathering. Thank you!
    What: CPG Coffee Morning
    When: March 16, 2015, 9:15 a.m
    Where: Room 5D
  • Sports News
    We welcome season 3 of Acsis. This season sees:
    8 and under Football team coached by Ms Tonkin in action
    11 and under Netball team coached by Ms Brennan in action
    The 11 and under Netball team travelled to Tanglin to play Dulwich B  and  Marlborough College. Chatsworth was delighted with the team’s confident start to the season with two convincing wins.
    We wish all the teams well in the next round of matches next week at the Australian school.
    Ms J.S. Brennan
    P.E. Specialist Elementary Department.

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