Friday, 28 April 2017

Thoughts from the Chatsworth Primary Hallways

IB Exhibition Week

Congratulations to our Year 6 students who this week completed their IB PYP Exhibition unit of inquiry.  After nine weeks of hard work, of success and roadblocks, after happy days and days that seemed nothing was going right, the Year 6 students all succeeded in presenting one of the best Year 6 Exhibitions to date.  What impressed me the most was how the students were able to talk about their Exhibition process as well as those of the other students. The creative elements that each student was required to do was an amazing array of artwork, film and video work, technology and some written pieces of work.   Parents, teacher and visitors to the school commented on how happy and excited the students were to lead them on a tour of the Exhibition.  I really liked the way your different spaces were set up and the variety of ways that the students shared their learning. I think it really showed the creativity of the students and how engaged they were in the process of the inquiry. I also liked the way it gave the students opportunity to talk about different things over the course of the exhibition. ( From one of the visiting schools)

We are very proud of our Year 6 students and proud of our Year 6 Teaching team for the support and motivation given to their students every step of the way.  The PYP Exhibition is the culminating event in a PYP Students Primary education.  IT is an event celebrated by the whole Primary school as all of our units of inquiry over the seven years of a PYP programme leads to this one event. Every primary school staff members were involved in some way.  Special thanks go to Mr Snell, Ms Smyth and Mr Lucchesi as the fabulous Year 6 teaching team; Ms Ann, our art teacher for supporting the students with their creative elements, Mr Marcello for all of the background work in preparing the Main Hall.

Mario Gauci
Head of Primary

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