Friday, 1 June 2018

Cinderella & Rockafella

Cinderella & Rockafella 

Last weekend 73 Chatsworth students representing the Primary and Middle school graced the stage as they presented the musical Cinderella & Rockerfella. There were two performances that were held at the Lee Foundation Theatre.

In the IB publication, The Arts scope and sequence, it states very clearly the importance the IB places on student participation in drama.

Drama explores how we express ourselves physically and vocally. In creating, students should explore the use of facial expressions, gestures, movement, posture and vocal techniques to convey emotional or cultural meaning to both characters and stories. It is important that students are exposed to a variety of dramatic forms including creative movement, impersonation, improvisation, mask work, mime, musical, role play, pantomime, puppetry, re-enactment, scripted drama, and skit. In responding, students should experience a wide variety of scripts and stories from different times, cultures and places and, where possible, access live theatre performances and presentations. Students should have opportunities to present their creative work to an audience, to witness their peers in performance and through this become critically aware audience members

The students also exhibited many of the attributes of the IB Learner Profile. After the first performance I addressed the audience. During that talk, I mentioned that the students who were on stage were incredibly confident during the production. To be a young student (some of our actors were 8 years old), you must be a risk taker to present on a stage to parents and other adults in the audience. The students, over the course of the semester, showed that the had integrity and were principled as they consistently took part in the many rehearsals after school and on weekends.

I want to thank the performers for their hard work in preparing for the production and their performances last Friday and Saturday evening.

In addition, I want to thank the parent community for supporting the arts and your children. As a parent myself, I understand how my children’s social and work life has a direct impact on mine. However, we know that supporting our children in endeavors such as the production is simply the correct path to take.

I also want to thank our teachers and staff who took on this huge initiative. There are two special “thank you’s” that need to be shared. Ms. Sara Lynn Burrough and Ms. Serrin Smyth spearheaded the charge with Cinderella & Rockerfella. Sadly, they both will be leaving us at the end of this year. The school acknowledges their work over the years they have been part of the Chatsworth Family.

Should you want to view the shows online, here are the links for act 1 and act 2.

Enjoy the show!

Act 1:
Act 2:

Dr. Michael Berry
Head of Primary

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