Sunday, 20 January 2019

Technology and Mathematics

Technology and Mathematics

Motivation is defined as, "a force or drive that influences behavior to achieve a desired outcome”. Digital natives like students at Chatsworth, since birth, have been surrounded by technology. For this reason, they feel comfortable and enthusiastic when using technology. Approximately 97% of teenagers in the United States play video games, half of them playing at a minimum once per day. In fact, teens in the United States are utilizing some type of technology for an average of 6 to 8 hours per day. Incorporating technology into the learning environment would be beneficial for digital natives in schools.

Student motivation is vital for student learning and success academically. Educators should utilize varying strategies to better connect with their students. Increasing interest in mathematics can be accomplished by using computers in meaningful ways to supplement mathematics instruction instead of relying on the traditional lecture and drills approach to teaching. There is evidence showing that the teaching of mathematics is enhanced with the integration of technology.

Many educators believe that technology, specifically video games, can benefit students’ motivation to learn. The characteristics that make video games appealing to students are that they are fun to play, challenge the child, and are competitive. Games also provide digital natives with a familiar platform with which to learn. Research has shown that game based learning (GBL) can be an effective tool for teaching today’s technology savvy students. The characteristics that GBL contains that make this type of learning especially attractive to students are that GBL “actively promotes learning, increases student motivation to learn and reduces stress in learning”. A major advantage for GBL over traditional teaching is its ability to grasp student attention due to the level of engagement the students are able to experience and the competitive nature of gaming.

In our Primary school, teachers utilize a variety of online learning platforms to supplement classroom teaching. There are many apps that can be used to help reinforce mathematics learning in a fun, yet effective manner. Some or our JY classes also use the website Study Ladder, which has been in existence for a decade now, to organize and plan for online resources. Technology will not only continue to be an integral part of teaching and learning as we move forward, but become increasingly important.

Dr. Michael Berry
Head of Primary

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