In the final year of the PYP the students participate in a culminating project, the PYP exhibition. This requires that each student demonstrates engagement with the five essential elements of the programme— knowledge, skills, concepts, attitudes, action. It is both a transdisciplinary inquiry conducted in the spirit of personal and shared responsibility, as well as a summative assessment activity that is a celebration and rite of passage, symbolic and actual, from the PYP into the middle years of schooling (IBO Exhibition Guidelines 2008). Our unit for exhibition is Sharing the plant with the central idea of: rights to resources causes conflict.
Before Chinese New Year, students developed a deeper understanding of action by interviewing experts. Then this week, the students in Y6, officially began the exhibition! .On Wednesday, the students tuned in with a walk on Orchard Road. They looked at what are the resources you see, what are the conflicts that you see and where do you see all these resources.
Check out the reflections and brainstorming that happened on the walls by the back gate and the photos below. Please feel free to add your ideas to the brainstorms.

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