Friday, 19 February 2016

Week 28 of the Primary Weekly Updates

  • Y5 Showcase
    Date: 22nd February 2016
    Time: 10.30am to 12.30pm
    Venue: Main Hall
  • Y4 Cultural Day
    Date: 26th February 2016
    Time: 1 - 3.30pm
    Venue: Main Hall
  • Chatsworth Cookbook
    Our Chatsworth Cookbook is now available.
    More details here.
  • Primary Sport Day
    Date:10 March 2016
    Venue: Hougang Stadium
    Please find Information on this letter. You will be receiving this information from your child’s homeroom. Please kindly complete consent letter.
  • Parent-Teacher-Student Conference (PTSC)
    Please note that there will be a no school day during the PTSC, 15 & 16 March 2016. More details will come from your Homeroom Teacher.
  • Parent Survey
    Many thanks to those who have filled up the survey. We have reached a 50% response. The survey will be close by end of the week.
    Help us fill in the Parent Survey here so we can understand how you feel about the school and assists us in areas of strength and areas needing particular attention.
  • Report Survey
    Help us answer a few questions about the effectiveness of the new reporting system and the information you were able to gain about your child. Click here for the survey.
Year 5 and Year 6 CCAs
The Chatsworth Folk and Gospel Choir will start on Tuesday 23rd February it is a wonderful new opportunity for Year 5 and Year 6 Students to express themselves as a group of passionate performers. This CCA is lead by our Secondary Drama teacher Mr Eades and will be held in the Secondary Music room (room 5G, second floor, block 5). Mr Eades will organised auditions to create a cohesive group of singers. If your child already has 2 CCA but would like to participate to this new adventure, please enter your details here. This link will be active until Friday 19th February 2016.
*NEW* Chatsworth Folk and Gospel Choir
For Year 5 - Year 6
Teacher: Mr Eades
Location TBC from 3.45pm to 4.30pm

Develop and improve your singing voice whilst learning about harmony, music theory, cooperation and teamwork. You will also get the opportunity to perform at Chatsworth.
Parent Event
  • Volunteers needed in the Library
    The library is looking for parent volunteers to help shelve books in the library.  Any time you can spare, no matter how little, would be greatly appreciated.  Contact Elaine at
  • Library Parent Session
    There is a library info session for parents on Feb 23 at 9:45am in the library. We will look at the online catalog and how to use it for research and to see your child’s library records.
  • Parent Café - Mathematics in the PYP
    Date: 24th February 2016
    Time: 9.00am
    Venue: Main Hall
    Presenter: Ms Carla Heard
    RSVP here.
    A few updates to share about some of the special events happening in March.
    More details here.

    Date: 26 February 2016
    Time: 9.15am
    Venue: Room 5D
    RSVP to
    24th to 28th March 2016

This year, we are excited to launch our first International Mindedness Festival. This event will be a blend of some of the community's favourite activities alongside some brand new, whole school learning opportunities.
     We have a motivated team of IB DP students leading the event and guiding the rest of the students. This year's theme will be 'Saving My Tomorrow' and the students will choose one of ten concepts to learn about to help make a better future for all of us. Students throughout the school will be working together and participating in Service Learning trips.
     During this week, you can also look forward to the annual School Fair, the Parade of Nations and the Food Festival.

Hazwani Hassim (Wani)

Primary Administrative Assistant

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