Friday 18 September 2015

Perpsectives from the PYP Coordinator

What do you notice your children doing when they have free time? From a developmental perspective, they are always learning. As you can see from the photos I took today at recess, free time takes on many shapes. Whether it is reading in the quiet library, running, climbing, flying airplanes with a friend, or building imaginary lunches, these times are ways children construct new meanings. Gross motor activities allow them to explore how their bodies work. Constructing and flying planes, gives them experience with cooperation, negotiation, measurement and physics. Imaginary play is where children learn life skills and practice them. Children who find quiet spaces to read, have learned the art of mindfulness. They are finding ways to regenerate and center themselves for the rest of their busy day. Something all us adults can learn from. So the next time you observe your child during their free time, take note at all the different things they are learning.

Kim Riemer
Assistant Head of Primary / PYP Coordinator

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